Transfer Planning

Take off from Black Hawk College

无论你是从太阳城集团博彩转到另一所学院或大学, changing your transfer goals, or transferring to BHC from your current school, 你会找到我们的人员和资源,为你提供建议,并带你前往下一个目的地. WE DO TRANSFER RIGHT!

Health Sciences Center building at Quad-Cities campus

Build Your Plan

Build Your Transfer Plan

Build Your Transfer Plan

Transfer degrees: 获得副学士学位来完成学士学位的前半部分.

Transfer in Illinois (IAI): 完成伊利诺斯州100多所转学学校接受的伊利诺斯州衔接计划的通识教育课程包.

Sample transfer plans: Take recommended courses toward your major while deciding where to transfer.

在参加Phi Theta Kappa的虚拟会议时,一个面带微笑的学生坐在桌子旁

Choose Your Destination

Choose a four-year college or university

Choose a Four-year College or University – Prepare to transfer

Explore colleges and universities: Find your transfer school fit nearby or farther away. Prepare to apply, discover scholarships, plan your visit and more.

Planning guides and agreements: Follow a transfer path to a BHC partner college or university. 查看保证和双录取协议,奖学金计划等.

smiling student at table with laptop & books holding pencil

Transfer from Career Programs

Transfer from career programs

Transfer from Career Programs


Transfer from career programs: Transfer your BHC program to a specific university degree.

Course transfer tables and Transferology: See how individual courses are accepted by transfer schools.

students pose in front of the Building 1 addition

See How Credits Transfer

See how your college credits transfer

See How your College Credits Transfer

Planning guides and agreements: Smoothly transfer your BHC degree using curriculum and 2+2 guides.

Course transfer tables and Transferology: Learn how individual courses are accepted by transfer schools.

Explore colleges and universities: View general education requirements and transfer pointers.

Transfer in Illinois (IAI): 完成伊利诺斯州100多所转学学校接受的伊利诺斯州衔接计划的通识教育课程包.

smiling male student sitting at a computer desk

Pursue Your Transfer Online

Transfer with online options

Transfer with online options – from Associate Degree to Bachelor's Degree

Schedule of classes: Take BHC courses on campus or online before transferring.

Online AA degree: Earn an Associate in Arts degree completely online.

Planning guides and agreements: Transfer the associate degree to an online bachelor's degree.

Explore colleges and universities: Find all the majors transfer schools offer online.

Upcoming Transfer Events


Transfer FAQs


AA degree completion 也满足许多转学学校的低级通识教育要求.

与AA学位相比,AS学位对数学和科学的要求略高. In most cases, 转入伊利诺伊州四年制学院或大学的学生将在转学后完成较低级别的通识教育课程(一门额外的人文或美术课程和一门额外的社会和行为科学课程)。.  有些学校会自动对每门课程进行评估(包括奥古斯塔纳学院)。.  如果你不确定哪个学位最适合你的计划,选择AA,然后和你的导师谈谈.

AAS学位为学生在课程完成后立即就业做好准备. AAS强调特定领域的培训与大约一个学期的通识教育课程相结合.  参加AAS和职业证书课程的学生如果想转学,应该和他们的导师谈谈选择通识教育课程的问题. See the transfer checklist and planning guides at Transfer from Career Programs.

Category: Transfer FAQs

这两个学位都需要60学分才能完成,但有细微的区别. The AA includes the complete IAI General Education Core Curriculum. While the AS has a slightly higher math and science course requirement, 如果学生还想完成IAI GECC,他们可以选择在BHC或转学(到伊利诺伊州的机构)后参加一些额外的课程.


Category: Transfer FAQs

Use the Course Transfer Tables & Transferology to learn how a course will transfer. If you don’t see your transfer school listed, 联系你转学学校的注册主任或通过ADVQC@bhc联系太阳城集团博彩的顾问.edu for assistance.

Category: Transfer FAQs

You can begin your education with Sample Transfer Plans and discuss your goals with a BHC advisor. Since major requirements vary from one transfer school to another, you should select a transfer school as soon as possible. 我们建议在你修完30个学分的时候有一个简短的转学学校名单.

Category: Transfer FAQs

大多数学院和大学将允许你转学至少60个社区大学学时,一些BHC转学合作伙伴将接受更多学分. 重要的是,不仅要了解有多少学分可以转换,还要了解有多少学分可以应用到你的专业要求中. All transfer schools have a “residency” requirement too, 这意味着在他们的学校必须获得最低工作时间(许多学校要求30小时), some more and some even fewer). 与你的BHC顾问讨论你的转学想法,决定什么时候转学是最好的 Explore Colleges and Universities.

Category: Transfer FAQs

Apply up to one year in advance of the term you plan to transfer. 大多数学院和大学都有申请截止日期,在此之前提交入学申请和所有证明文件(成绩单), essay, etc.) must be submitted. 截止日期通常是开学前的两到五个月, 但有些学校允许学生最迟在开课前几周申请. Waiting is not recommended though – apply early! Also check when your transfer school needs your financial aid information.

Category: Transfer FAQs

一旦你获得了规定的大学学分(通常是12-30小时),大多数学院和大学都会根据你的大学成绩来决定你的入学资格。.  If you transfer with fewer credits, 您将被要求遵循新生入学要求,包括提供您的高中成绩单.

Category: Transfer FAQs

在你申请转学学校之后,你应该发送所需的任何证明文件,比如你的大学成绩单. Follow directions on the transfer school’s checklist.  你还应该完成经济援助和奖学金申请,并开始安排住房,如果你将离家生活. Note when you are expected to attend orientation, register and pay for classes, and move to the campus.

Category: Transfer FAQs

在规定的截止日期前完成FAFSA和任何学校特定奖学金申请. 取得优异的成绩也会增加你获得优秀奖学金的机会, which is automatically awarded based on your grade point average. The higher your GPA, the more money you are eligible to receive. Students who join the Phi Theta Kappa honor society while at BHC may be eligible for additional scholarships.

Look closely at your transfer school’s general financial aid webpage, 以及他们的转学录取页面和你专业的院系页面. Different scholarship opportunities may be shown in all these places. 也要向太阳城集团博彩人员询问学院可能为转学生提供的其他资金来源,如校园参观奖, early FAFSA filer, out-of-state-student award, etc.

Category: Transfer FAQs
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